10  Why publish on R-universe

10.1 Highlight your packages and expertise

Registering your packages with R-universe makes them easier for users to discover and evaluate.

Creating an R-universe for yourself or your organization showcases your expertise, interests, and contributions to the R community.

10.2 Simplify installation for your users

R-universe builds binaries for release versions of the most popular platforms, ensuring your packages are easy to install across systems.

10.3 Get inspired by success stories

Read or watch interviews of the series Meeting the stars of the R-Universe, that are examples of organizations and teams that choose R-Universe to facilitate access and promote community sharing of data and software.

10.4 Build upon R-universe

As an example of an initiative based on R-universe, R-multiverse is a new initiative to establish a trustworthy, community-curated R package repository that runs on the open-source r-universe infrastructure.

10.5 Enjoy it for free!

R-universe is provided free of charge.

10.6 Set up in just a few steps

Follow the set-up documentation to get started quickly.